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Separation and Filtration Technology
High Rate Thickener
Thickener technology
Cube Consolidating offers a wide range of Separation and Filtration solutions including thickener designs. Thickening is defined as a process in which liquid or water is separated from a slurry. This typically results in a dense mixture of solids in the underflow and a clear liquid (such as water) or liquor in the overflow. Thickeners are often employed in continuous processes in which solid/liquid separation is necessary. The driving force associated with this separation technique makes use of gravity. The differences in the densities of the respective liquid and solid within the mixture, in combination with this gravitational driving force, allow for the separation to occur. Certain applications involving the extraction of rare metals and minerals may make use of thickeners to do so.
Thickeners are often confused with clarifiers as the visual differences are subtle. Both clarification and thickening involve the settling of solid materials. The notable design difference between these two processes is their function. Thickeners are typically used to concentrate a solid stream, whereas clarifiers are designed for the purification of liquid streams. When compared to each other it should be noted that the overflow of a clarifier is often cleaner and less dense the overflow of a traditional thickener.
The addition of chemical species may be necessary for process enhancement and improved efficiency. These are usually injected directly into the feed stream and result in the formation of large and heavy agglomerates which settle more rapidly. A dense and compact sludge results at the bottom of the thickening chamber which is ra
ked to the centre of the tank. This is then removed with the use of a slurry pump. The overflow then consists of a clear and solids-free liquid which then flows into a collection tank. Chemicals commonly employed for solid/liquid separation are termed flocculants or coagulants and may be used individually or in combination to achieve the desired degree of separation. Cube X is an avid flocculant and chemical supplier. For more information regarding the types of chemicals, we supply click on the following link.
What We Offer
Cube Consolidating offers a wide range of conventional, high-rate and high-density thickeners. We provide units with diameters that range between 1 m up to 90 m. Our skilled team provides detailed schematics and three-dimensional models of the unit to be supplied. We design systems to allow for continuous dewatering and liquid removal, with the regular production of a thick pulp with a uniform density. Settled solids are forced to the central discharge at a rate that allows for sufficient agitationand prevents the disruption of settle particles.
Cube customises designs according to consumer needs to allow for optimal and efficient processing.
We tailor designs to the following industries:
- Mining
- Metallurgical
- Chemical
- Water & Wastewater
- Thickening of concentrates
- Food & beverage
- Pulp & paper
Our separation and filtrationspecialists design thickeners to have excellent disturbance control, consistent product in the overflow and underflow, comprehensive automation and customisable features. Cube consolidating carefully designs thickeners to ensure the safety of your employees during operation and downtime. We further offer compact solutions for plants and processes with limited space options. We prioritise our client’s needs and focus on providing the most cost-effective, high-quality solutions possible.
For more information regarding our thickeners feel free to download our brochure or contact one of our consultants.
Clarifier technology
Clarification is the process in which solids are removed from liquid. The primary function of a clarifier is to produce a clear or solids-free liquid, rather than a concentrate. The visual differences between a clarifier and thickener are subtle. They however differ primarily through their function, with thickeners used for the production of concentrated sludges or slurries. The liquid produced in a clarifier is typically clearer than the overflow produced by a thickener.
Pre-treatment of the fluid entering the clarifier may be necessary for process optimisation and improved settling efficiency. This can be achieved with the use of chemical additives such as flocculants and coagulants. For more information regarding our broad range of pre-treatment solutions and chemicals click here.
The addition of these reagents allows for the aggregation of fine particulate matter resulting in the formation of larger and more dense solids. These are chemically more stable and allow for an increased settling and removal rate. The addition of such chemicals is often advantageous allowing for reduced retention times within the clarifier and aiding in the conservation of energy. The need for high capacity filtration or excessive separation processes downstream.
Application of pre-treatment may include:
Potable water production – Chemical additives such as flocculants and coagulants are often employed prior to clarification in the potable water production process. Dense sludge formation occurs at the bottom of the tank which will undergo regular removal and disposal. Clarified water undergoes further treatment downstream before storage and use.
Mining waste-water treatment – Additives are used within the mining industry to treat wastewater and can be incorporated with processes such as sedimentation, clarification and filtration.
In order to maintain and promote the clarification process, it is important to remove any corrosive and reactive components prior to entry. Similarly, any material that may foul the outlet stream or contaminate the clarified product should be removed before the start of the clarification process. This is important to avoid any unnecessary equipment damage as well as undesirable side product formation and reactions. We recommend that our clients conduct routine inspection and cleaning of the clarifier to prevent solids build-up and the removal of litter, contaminants and debris.
What We Offer
Cube Consolidating clarifiers are designed to ensure careful control of inlet velocity to maximise hydraulic retention times and mixing, whilst avoid excessive turbulence. This promotes the effective settling of the suspended solids within the chamber. Our designs ensure even distribution of the inlet flow to prevent disruption of settle solids and increase settling rates. We provide detailed schematics and three-dimensional models of our clarification systems prioritising client safety and process needs. All units are line with recognised international practices and standards. Designs are customisable to accommodate process demands and specifications. We tailor our designs to a multitude of industries including:
- Food & beverage
- Mining
- Metallurgical
- Wastewater treatment
- Water treatment
- Pulp & paper
- Chemical
- Process effluent treatment
Materials for design are selected according to client needs. We offer a selection of mild steel, stainless steel and concrete.
Our team of separation and filtration specialists size clarifiers to allow for particulate matter to reside within the tank for a desired time period. Small tanks are more economical, however flow rates should be monitored carefully otherwise, if too high, may result in their removal with the clarified water. Considerable effort is made when designing inlet and outlet flow rates to ensure that turbulence and solids disruption is minimised. Cube Consolidating offers a wide range of clarifiers that vary from 1 m up to 90 m in diameter.
For more information regarding our clarification solutions feel free to download our brochure or contact one of our consultants.
Flocculant Plants
Flocculation is the process in which destabilised particles aggregate to form larger more stable solids. These solids are then removed from the process liquid or water. Flocculants are polymers that promote the process of flocculation through weak bond formation. Flocculant plants are often employed in conjunction with other purification processes such as thickeners or clarifiers where the large suspended solids will settle out. Flocculation differs to the process of precipitation in that solids being treated are not dissolved but rather suspended within the liquid. For more information on our range of flocculant and chemical additives click here.
Coagulation and flocculation are often used together in purification and treatment processes. Coagulation reduces the repulsive forces that may exist between particles whereas flocculation stabilises colloidal particles allowing them to combine into larger aggregates. Cube consolidating offers customisable flocculant, coagulant and combined plant solutions to meet client needs.
What We Offer
We service the following industries:
- Food & Beverage
- Wastewater treatment
- Water treatment
- Mining
- Metallurgical
- Pulp & Paper
- Industrial processes
- Chemical
Typical components used in Cube Consolidating flocculant plants are listed below however the design is subject to customisation according to client processes and specifications:
- Dosing pumps (Hosing pumps)
- Screw Feeder
- Hopper
- Flocculant housing bin
- Make up tank (may be individual unit or multi-tank system)
- Dosing tank (may be individual unit or multi-tank system)
- Agitators
- Valves (manual and automated)
- Cube Consolidating Jet wetting system
- Ancillary components such as walkways, stairways and handrails
- Control panel
Our team of separation and filtration specialists design flocculant plants to serve a wide range of industries. The concentration of flocculant required is determined experimentally and is often unique to a system or process. Our designs are customisable and can vary between a three-compartmental system or a multi-tank system depending on the required flocculant consumption rate. Designs are versatile, easy to install and are operator friendly. We provide detailed schematics and three-dimensional models of the customised flocculant system. Care is taken to prioritise client personnel safety and ensure cost effective and high-quality output.
For more information regarding our flocculant systems feel free to download our brochure or contact one of our consultants.
Reagent Plants
Reagent Plant Technology
Reagents are species or chemicals that are added to a system to perform a set reaction and ultimate function. Reagent plants are often necessary to assist an existing process or can exist as stand-alone units. Plants are customised according to the reagent, as well as the extended process.
What We Offer
Cube Consolidating offers a selection of reagent plants with a variety of bulk storage options. Our reagent plants are available in a range of sizes based on volumetric flow, retention and hydration time to meet the process demand. We tailor to the following industries:
- Food & beverage
- Pulp & paper
- Mining
- Oil & gas
- Pharmaceuticals
- Agriculture
- Water treatment
Plant designs are fully customisable to meet consumer specifications. Our systems may be fully automated for ease of operation and use. Plants are designed to be easily and rapidly installed and maintained. We design reagent and dosing plants for the following reagents:
- Xanthate
- Frothing agents
- Depressant
- Guar
- Coagulant
- Zinc emulsifiers
- Lime
- Nitric acid
- Caustic Soda
We further supply a wide range of chemicals to be used as chemical additives for reagent plants, click here for more information or download our brochure.
Dissolved air floatation (DAF) Systems
Dissolved Air Flotation Technology
Dissolved air flotation (DAF) is a water treatment process that makes use of dissolved air for the removal of suspended solids. The process utilises high pressure for the dissolution process, after which the air is released under atmospheric conditions within a flotation tank. Cube Consolidating provides customised DAF systems to meet specific client needs. We provide specialised DAF nozzle designs that are unique to the process application, ensuring that the correct size bubble size is provided for maximum efficiency. The treated water or wastewater will take on a white appearance with the mass production of micro bubbles. The function of the produced air bubbles are to attach to suspended solids or flocculants within the process water and reduce their overall density. This results in particles rapidly rising to the surface and forming a sludge layer that is removed with a scraper.
Our team of separation and filtration specialists design DAF systems that are customisable to meet all your process demands. . Chemical addition in the form of flocculants and coagulants may further optimise the removal of solids within the fluid or water. Click here to view our wide range of chemical additives. Cube Consolidating dissolved air flotation systems offer superior rise rates with rise rates up to 8 times higher than those supplied by traditional clarifiers.
Circular DAF system
A circular DAF system consists of an inlet located at the centre system. This is designed to allow for the even and outward distribution flow in the radial direction. This design prevents the system from short circuiting and allows for the effective utilisation of the specified tank volume. Additionally, the product outlet weir is located on the peripheral of the DAF, maximising the area for outflow and minimising the rise rate. This prevents floc or particle entrainment and downstream contamination through the carry-over of particulate matter.
Our dissolved air flotation systems contain the following features and functions:
- Saturator
- Compressed air system
- Customised inlet works
- Pumps
- Strainers
- Pump protection against dry running
- Chemical dosing station which includes pH correction, disinfection and coagulation
- PLC Control panelfor automated operation
- Scraper for sludge removal
- All systems are skid mounted, allowing for rapid deployment and ease of installation
- All plants are equipped with local switch gear and control panels
What We Offer
Cube Consolidating dissolved air floatation (DAF) systems are a reliable, easy to use and efficient. They have found application in a wide range of processes and industries such as:
- Mining effluent
- Oil and gas
- Pulp & paper
- Water & wastewater treatment
- Chemical waste
- Pharmaceutical waste
- Food & beverage
- Automotive industry
- Power & Energy
- Metallurgical processes
- Minerals & mining
Our DAF systems are specially designed to remove or reduce suspended solids, fats, oils and greases (FOG), biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and volatile organic carbons (VOGs). Additional features include:
- Sludge collection
- Sludge pumping set-up
- In line coagulant and flocculant aid make-up and dosing system
- Flocculant tanks, may be multicompartmental or individual tank set-ups
- Raw water feed storage tanks
- Product storage tanks
- Level control within provided tank set-ups
- Customised construction material from selection of mild steel, 3CR12, SS304 and SS316.
- Customised PLC from selection of Siemens, Allen Bradley, Delta and Schneider.
- Conventional square or round DAF designs
Typical site installations are conducted by Cube Consolidating.
The DAF shown below is a 15 m3/h round DAF designed to treat milk and butter effluent. Included in the plant is a full automated flocculant make-up station as well as PH control & coagulant dosing and storage section. This plant is fully automated and lowers the COD of the inlet water from 18000 mg/l to less than 500 mg/l.
For more information feel free to download our brochure or contact us.
Linear Screen
Linear Screen Technology
Screening can be divided into two major categories: Wet screening and dry screening. From these categories, screening allows for the separation of a flow of materials into grades. These grades can then be further processed into intermediate products or a finalised/finished product. Screening can further be either moving or static, as well as horizontal or inclined. Screening is typically employed within the mining and mineral processing industry and used for a variety of applications.
Linear screens are typically designed to be static and are therefore different from vibrating screens. This results in a quiet and energy efficient unit.
What We Provide
Cube Consolidating cc provides Linear screens that are proven to remove large and fine solids, obstructs and debris from effluent feed streams. Our screens have successfully found application in inter-stage screening, ore recovery and substance/oversize recovery. Our Screens can further be used as a safety screen for processes such as thickeners, clarifiers or sensitive equipment.
The Cube Consolidating cc Linear screen comprises of a screen cloth that rests on a roller set-up. The compact unit is driven via a pulley system which is supported by gear box and motor system. All client requirements are transformed into detailed schematics and three-dimensional models through technical specifications and sizing. Units are customisable according to process requirements.
Our team of separation and filtration specialists offer detailed schematics and three-dimensional models prioritising client and personnel safety, quality and cost effectiveness. Designs are customised according to process specifications and client needs. For more information feel free to download our brochure or contact us.
Filter Press
Filter Press Technology
Filter press technology is typically implanted in solid/liquid separation processes. Designs make use of pressure, often supplied through a pump, as the primary driving force for separation. The most common designs involve the injection of the feed into the centre of the press and allowing each of the available chambers to fill up. Optimally the design should ensure that all chambers are filled before caking occurs in the initial chamber. As each of the chambers are filled the pressure within the filter press will increase.
The liquid is then filtered out, through filter cloths, with the addition of compressed air or high velocity water. The use of pressurised water is more time consuming than high velocity air, however is considered more cost effective. Filter press technology is widely used in multiple industries. They can produce different wastes that may be toxic, poisonous or contain pathogens. Waste disposal and treatment is therefore often necessary.
Common applications and industries include:
- Mine slurry dewatering
- Dewatering for large variety of products
- Water treatment
- Wastewater treatment
- Concrete water recovery
- Large-scale fly ash pond dewatering
- Food & beverage
- Oil & gas
- Slime & sludge removal
Advantages of filter press technology includes:
- Large filter area
- Production of dense, dry high solids content filter cake
- Capable of dewatering complex and difficult to handle sludge
- High fluid recovery
What We Offer
The type of filter press used is selected according to the feed processed as well as the process requirements. Many industries with specialised processes make use of a filter press for purification or recovery. Cube Consolidating has a team of separation and filtration specialists that offer a full range of filters press designs such as recessed plate, membrane and plate and frame design. Our designs prioritise client personnel safety, quality and cost effectiveness. We aim to provide innovative technology capable of meeting process needs and specification. Our units are available fully automated plate shift, cake release and cloth wash devices.
For more information regarding our filter press technology feel free to download our brochure or contact one of our consultants.
Reverse Osmosis
RO Technology
Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a purification process in which dissolved inorganic solids are removed from a liquid with the use of a semi-permeable membrane. Pressure is applied to overcome osmotic pressure that is driven by a difference in chemical potential. Reverse Osmosis is used for the removal of a multitude of different species, bacteria and suspended solids. It often finds application in both industrial processes and in the production of potable water. The system ensures that the solute is retained in the pressurised chamber while the pure solvent passes through the membrane into a separate chamber. The membrane is termed ‘selective’ as it prevents large molecules, ions and particulates from passing through its pores.
‘Only molecules or ions of a certain size may pass through the membrane to meet process design specifications. The result of reverse osmosis is dependent on the process with either a concentrate or a clear liquid being the final product and objective. This makes RO systems versatile and desirable for a wide range of industries.
Reverse Osmosis differs from traditional filtration. The primary mechanism associated with fluid flow is via osmosis across a nonporous or nano-filtration membrane. Furthermore, pore sizes can be as low as 0.001 µm whereas filter sizes are specified from 0.01 µm or greater. Design considerations for the RO process include pressure, temperature and solute concentration.
What We Offer
Our team of separation and filtration specialists provide robust designs and stand-alone reverse osmosis systems for a wide range of applications and industries. Our plants are designed to be compact and easy to install. We prioritise client and personnel safety, quality and cost effectiveness. The performance of the RO system is dependent on the selected membrane type or filter. Membranes are further customised and selected according to the process and product requirements.
There are multiple benefits associated with the use of a RO system:
- Easily maintained
- Energy efficient
- Effective purification process
- Improves properties such as taste, appearance and odour in water
- High quality water production
Common applications of Reverse Osmosis include:
- Potable water treatment
- Desalination
- Personal portable use
- Wastewater and water purification
- Food & Beverage: concentrating liquids
- Chemical and Hydrogen production
For more information regarding our reverse osmosis systems feel free to download our brochure or contact one of our consultants.
Belt Filter
Belt Filter Technology
A belt filter is primarily used for solid/liquid separation processes. It is commonly used for the dewatering of sludge in multiple different industries such as:
- Food & beverage
- Mining
- Water treatment
- Wastewater treatment
- Chemical
- Pulp & paper
- Sewage treatment
- Minerals
- Steel manufacturing
Belt filter technology typically makes use of a pair of filter cloths and belts. These are then passed through a system of rollers. Process sludge is fed into the belt filter and separated into a solid filter cake and filtrate.
Sludge’s produced may include but are not limited to:
- Raw municipal sludge (anaerobically and aerobically digested)
- Alum sludge
- River silt
- Food processing waste
- Pulp & paper waste
- Chemical process waste
- Pharmaceutical waste
- Petrochemical waste
These wastes may comprise of a mixture of different process sludges, sediments, mud, dust, biological waste, primary sludge and debris. Cube consolidating designs are customised to meet client needs.
The advantages of belt filter technology include:
- Low pressure systems
- Low noise levels
- Rapid start up and shut down
- Durable
- Easy to operate and maintain
- High capacity throughput
What We Offer
Our team of separation and filtration specialists offer belt filter designs from a range of 1 to 160 square meter. We make use of South African/European electrical and mechanical components to ensure part availability.
Design are according to solids capacity and are customised according to the type of solids being removed and desired product. The efficiency of the belt filters is typically dependent on the degree of variance in process parameters such as the type of sludge, solids concentration within the feed and conditioning.
For more information feel free to download our brochure or contact us.
Inclined Plate Settler
IPS Technology
An inclined plate settler (IPS) is a type of settler predominantly used in the removal of solids or particulates from a liquid. They consist of multiple inclined plates that provide a large effective settling area. The inlet stream into the settler is slowed to allow for particles to settle on the provided plates. The solids are accumulated, collected and removed. The clarified liquid exits the system at the top over a weir. Incline plate settlers are often employed in the stead of conventional settling tanks in a primary water treatment process.
Incline plate settlers find application in, but are not limited to, the following industries and processes:
- Mining
- Metal Finishing
- Ground water treatment
- Pre-treatment of fluids entering membrane filters
- Water treatment
- Wastewater treatment
- Process water treatment
Plate settlers are ideal for applications where the solids loading is variable and solids sizing is fine. They have the following advantages:
Large effective settling area
- Compact design
- Can be designed for indoor application
- Time efficient clarification process
- Chemical need is often reduced
- Improved performance with addition of flocculant and coagulant
A specific application for incline plate settlers in as a pre-treatment step for fluid that is entering membrane filters as they are considered to be one of the best available options for pre-treatment prior to these filtration steps. They are further able to maintain the quality of the water that enters these membranes with little to no additional chemicals required. This allows for a reduction in overall cost as there is no cost for the purchase of these chemicals as well as limited damage to the membrane filters. Additional applications and benefits include their use in wastewater treatment processes. They can be integrated into existing treatment processes or used as a stand-alone unit.
What We Offer
Our team of separation and filtration specialists provide high quality, customisable incline plate settlers that are designed according to process specifications and properties. We offer detailed schematics and three-dimensional models of system designs, prioritising client and personnel safety, quality, and cost effectiveness.
.For more information feel free to download our brochure or contact us.
Aeration Systems
Aeration Technology
Aeration is used in water treatment as a pre-treatment in the process of removing dissolved metals such as Iron and Hydrogen Sulfide, dissolved gases and volatile organics (VOC) from water. The process of aeration allows for the disaggregation of particulate matter that may interfere early in purification and treatment processes. Aeration is typically employed as one of the initial process steps in water and wastewater treatment plants. Water and air are brought into contact through the formation of small bubbles. These are typically allowed to rise through the fluid or water however designs may vary according to process requirements.
Dissolved metal removal
Water may contain a wide range of dissolved metals that could result in issues relating to toxicity, taste, smell and visual appeal. Common examples of problematic dissolved solids include Hydrogen Sulfide and Iron. The process of aeration utilises the oxidative properties of air and react with the dissolved metals to form more stable forms or compounds that are then easily removable. The air bubbles further break up suspended solids that may also be contained in the process fluid.
Hydrogen Sulfide is responsible for foul odours within water and is commonly associated with that of a rotten egg. The presence of Hydrogen Sulfide in water may result from numerous sources but is often the result of Sulfur-reducing bacteria or naturally occurring.
The presence of Iron in water may be the result of the surrounding minerals and can enter the water source through seepage or corrosion. Iron may result in stains, blockages within pipes, damage to equipment or home appliances and may influence the colour and taste of the water itself.
The Hydrogen Sulfide and Iron oxidise in the presence of the air and are converted into elemental Sulfur Ferric Iron. The use aeration for the removal of these species from water allows for a reduction in the need of certain chemical species. Turbulent aeration further allows for a scrubbing action that ensures the effective removal of dissolved metal species as well as dissolved gasses.
Removal of gases
Turbulent aeration ensures that dissolved gases, such as Carbon Dioxide, within the process fluid are physically removed through a scrubbing action. Comparatively the Oxygen content within the water is increased and requires control
Chemical removal
Other chemicals that can be removed through aeration include:
- Methane
- Ammonia
- Volatile organic chemicals (VOC)
- Chlorine
- Manganese
The type of aeration device is dependant on the desired product and chemical removal needs. Cube consolidating offers detailed schematics and three-dimensional models that are customisable according to meet client needs. We priorities client and personnel safety, quality and cost effectiveness when designing the desired aeration system.
For more information feel free to download our brochure or contact us.
Materials Handling
What We Offer
Cube Consolidating materials handing division offers a wide range of solutions for a multitude of industries. The collection, transportation, consumption and storage of materials is often necessary for many small- or large-scale production processes. We provide customisable manual and automated equipment specific to our client’s material handling needs such as:
- Conveyer Systems
- Overland conveyor systems
- Chutes
- Plate work
- Storage facilities
- Transportation facilities
All equipment is designed to meet consumer needs in a cost effective and efficient manner. We aim to provide top of the range machinery that is easy to use, sustainable and suited to the environment of the consumer. Designs incorporate modern and up-to-date technology and methodology to best suit the desired outcome. All products are designed with safety, efficiency, cost effectiveness, quality and sustainability in mind.
We service the following industries:
- Food & beverage
- Pulp & paper
- Mining
- Oil & gas
- Pharmaceuticals
- Agriculture
- Chemical
- Wastewater treatment
- Water treatment
For more information feel free to download our brochure or contact us.
Dual Media Filter
Media Filter Technology
Dual media filters or media filters are commonly used for the removal of suspended solids in a process liquid. They often make use of one or multiple types of granular media such as sand, anthracite or activated carbon. Special media may be used otherwise for the removal of minerals in water or other liquids. The selected media for filtration is specific to the liquid application and process specification. We offer a range of filters with customisable designs and media to suit client needs. These filters find application in multiple industries and are often incorporated as a pre-treatment step prior to purification processes such as reverse osmosis (RO). Industry process such as coagulation, flocculation and clarification often occur downstream after the necessary filtration has occurred. Media filters may use either gravitational force or an applied pressure as the driving force for filtration.
Common application of media filter includes:
- Removal of suspended solids within a liquid
- Drinking water production
- Effluent water treatment
- Pre-treatment for reverse osmosis & desalination
- Turbidity removal from fluids such as water
Advantages of using dual media filters include:
- High filtration efficiency
- Low pressure drop across system
- Multiple filtration media available
- Versatility
- Ease of use
Our team of separation and filtration specialists offer detailed schematics and three-dimensional models prioritising client and personnel safety, quality and cost effectiveness. Designs are customised according to process specifications and client needs. For more information feel free to download our brochure or contact us.